According to Sanket Bakshi ! VJ is inactive again
I think one of the best thing in working on International (Aboard) beside being more technical is getting good friends from different countries. Before Muscat, i havent experienced working with other nationals and when it comes especially to our next brother country INDIA. It was a great experience while working in parallel with our indian partners (MBT), and living togther for more than 1 year, it was really good to become friends. Sanket was among one of the IT guru from MBT. Though he was small in height (Sanket, dont mind), he is really a great man. A very deep person, with postive mind set. He was really a smart guy. And then on his way back to INDIA he joined Microsoft INDIA and working as a MS consultant. Though we havent able to meet again i think from last 7-8 months, but stay in tocuh with MSN, emails. This is a good part of friendship, no matter how far you are, good friends are with you. The other thing special about Sanket, is that he always motivates me to active on blog, articles, and things like that. This time also, i received his comment on my blog that i am inactive, as i was not able to write anything on blog from long time. I must say, "good friends are blessing of GOD." Best wishes and prayers for you Sanket.
Man... I never knew all that stuff that you said about me... was it me or some other "Sanket Bakshi"? ;)
Kidding eh!
But yeah, I do agree with you. It has been great having you around and of course my best wishes for you too :)
Keep it up buddy, we both have a long long way to go!
Sanket, at 7/05/2006 07:44:00 AM
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