FXCOP {Really a COP for your CODE}
Hey Guys, Here its another really smart product from Microsoft. FXCOP is a product that check's your assembly, exe, dll code for conformance to the Microsoft.Net Framework design guidelines. Like if you have developed some application and you want to check that your code is accroding to the standards {unused variables, naming convention, everything}. Just give your assembly to the FXCOP it will analyze and prepare a report which will exactly show you your every nitty gritty mistakes. This product will shipped with next version of VS.Net. Rightnow you can download it from http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/fxcop/ Install it, Run it, Enjoy .Netting, Wajahat Abbas
Have used FXCOP, and it does do quite a good job. But in the mean while, gives a lot of errors in your code :D
Ammar Bukhari, at 2/02/2005 02:36:00 PM
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